Having a rock star, successful career, begins with your VISION. Most people have a fuzzy one, at best, if one at all. Most have a vague idea of what they might want, and then suddenly several years in they begin to wonder if they made the right decisions. Might this be you?

You might be thinking, Joanne, how do I know what I want? How do I know how to create that vision? And so, I also know that one of the most difficult areas to achieving goals and dreams is around CREATING your Vision. Why? Here are just a few reasons…

 People tend to focus on what they do NOT want vs. what they DO want
 When results don’t happen immediately people change the vision
 The vision isn’t specific enough
 The vision is too big and seems out of reach (it may not be but it needs smaller visions to get there)
 There isn’t a deep seeded belief that one can actually attain the vision
 It’s a mere fantasy or daydream without an actionable plan around it

Leaders DESIGN THEIR VISIONS and then create an ACTION PLAN for the year. In my VISION DESIGNER I have created a 4 Step Process to keep you on track. This is actually Level One of my 3 Levels to Success Framework.

Sign up below to get your free VISION DESIGNER and start to create a serious plan that resonates with your heart and soul AND that you can attain.

Isn’t it time you get on the right path for your career success? It all starts with a thought and a dream. (easy as that!)