How Close are you to Financial Freedom in the NOW?

Mini-Masterclass – HOW to Achieve Financial Freedom in the NOW
Mini-Masterclass – Why Money is a Dirty Word

What is “Financial Freedom in the NOW”?  I bet you are curious…

Well I will tell you what its NOT.  Its NOT working tirelessly for years on end, saving and scraping every penny into your retirement fund and hoping that “someday” – wayyyyy into the future you can enjoy life.

Financial Freedom in the NOW, is about having the ability to enjoy life NOW. Today.  This moment. Its about living your best life, living out your Vision, and finding the freedom to be happy each and every day.

Its also NOT about vision boards, mantras, affirmations, and lots of woo-woo stuff.

Its about taking control of your life and not allowing the outside world to dictate how you need to live, how hard you have to work, how much you need to stress out about getting it all done.

Its also about having a realistic Vision of what you want in the NOW.  For example, a better paying job, a career change, a promotion, being an entrepreneur, securing more clients for your business, buying a luxurious home, getting out of debt, taking that fabulous vacation you have been dreaming about for years , creating a wonderful work/life balance….

And then putting a solid action plan in place to achieve it. 

My Action Plan, combines elements from my vast business experience, my MBA from Penn State University, and the Secret Sauce – fundamentals from Jungian Theories and Eastern Philosophies.  My Financial Freedom Action Plan is also very much about discovering the unconscious patterns that been preventing you from attaining your Vision.

Lifestyle and Luxury are available to everyone, its about having the vision, the action plan and MINDSET to be able to create it and receive it.  Because we all deserve to live the “good life” – EVERYONE does. 

So – are you curious to know how close YOU are to attaining Financial Freedom in the NOW? Well, I have a short quiz you can take to find out. 

I have a super amazing, super affordable, self-study course that can be taken from anywhere in the world – so you can attain your Financial Freedom in the NOW. NOW.  

Lifestyle & Leadership Reboot – “Acquire Financial Freedom in the NOW”

  • Three (3) Recorded Lessons – (you will receive both Video & MP3 versions)
    • Each lesson is accompanied with handouts and homework
  • One (1) Special Guest Speaker – Budget and Financial Coach – Alexis Lorraine
    • Focus on Your Personal Net Worth & Creating a Realistic Budget
  • One (1) Recorded Question & Answer Session
  • Lessons will cover:
    • Creating your own personal Vision of Financial Freedom in the NOW
    • Building a viable, attainable Action Plan around your Vision
    • Working through the Unconscious Barriers that have been holding you back using methods from Jungian Theories & Eastern Philosophy
    • Utilizing Gratitude, Compassion, Non-Judgement, and Non-attachment to the outcome to center you and drive your vision forward.
  • All Classes and Q&A session have been recorded and put in a private BOX folder so you can download and keep forever.
  • BONUS #1: One (1) Visualization “Financial Abundance” – Listen to daily for 30 days and then as needed
  • BONUS #2: One (1) 30-Minute Private One-On-One recorded Coaching Session with Joanne Newborn

Total Cost: $97*

*this price is so economical that there will be no further discounts or flash sales, or “friends & family” rates.