If you are a looking to grow your career (at any level), seeking your first job out of college, or seeking to grow your own business, you need to have a LinkedIn profile that POPS! Why?

Because recruiters & HR personnel are utilizing LinkedIn as a PRIMARY source of recruiting top talent for open roles in business – which also means the LinkedIn space is getting extremely cluttered. You want to ensure that your profile POPS out and stands out from your competition.

Even if you are NOT seeking a new job at this moment, having a LinkedIn profile that POPS is imperative. Chatting with recruiters who reach out to you keeps you on the cutting edge of what is happening in your industry. Additionally, LinkedIn reaches out to people they think are seen as industry “Insiders” to act as mentors and for other opportunities. As a leader we want continually be building our own BRAND as an industry “insider”, and having a LinkedIn Profile that POPS is a huge opportunity to illustrate to the professional community you are a step above the rest of the masses.

How do you write a LinkedIn Profile that POPS? Sign up to get your free guide immediately below. Enjoy!

Also lots of fantastic information in my Master Class – The Must-Have Interview Techniques & Mindset Necessary to Land that Job!!

Evolving Leader’s Interview Preparation Toolkit” & a link to book your FREE 30-minute Career “Superpower” Consultation.

Link to my Confidence Building Visualization to help you Confidently Take Center Stage!