Showing 15 Result(s)
Leadership Transformation


Recently three people showed up over an hour late to different appointments with me – a business appointment, meeting a friend for dinner, meeting someone for a cocktail. The strange thing was…it happened all in one week. It got me wondering…when people are late it is not as huge a trigger for me as it is for others. I usually have something else to do with me, so that I am not sitting there idly just staring into space. Or I use the opportunity to make new friends. I always have something to do or work on. However, when an …

Leadership Transformation


In today’s ever evolving corporate world, the only constant is change. And with change comes learning new technology, new responsibilities, taking on greater workloads and covering roles that may not necessarily fall to you or your team’s area of expertise. Even the most amazing Rock Star Teams BURNOUT – yes whole teams of people burn out! According to the Mayo Clinic, “Job burnout is a special type of work-related stress – a state of physical or emotional exhaustion that also involves a sense of reduced accomplishment and loss of personal identity.” Right now my team and I are teetering on …

Musings from An Evolving Mind

I Would Like to THANK Roseanne Barr for her Horrid Tweet

I would like to thank Roseanne Barr for her horrid tweet.  Yes, I said THANK.  Because she provided a wonderful learning moment.  Hey kids, it’s all fun and games, until someone sabotages herself and hundreds of other people (who lost their jobs due to the cancellation of her hit show). Now Roseanne blamed Ambien, and Memorial Day (that was my favorite culprit of the “crime” at hand – yes, it was Memorial Day’s fault!).  And we, as bystanders blame her for the awful thing she did.  But what are we all doing?  PRACTICING JUDGEMENT & BIAS.  Eww. So, why did …

Musings from An Evolving Mind

65K (Texts) and a Bathtub Equal True Love.  Makes Perfect Sense to Me.

You may have been horrified reading about the Arizona woman who sent 65,000 texts to a man she had one date with and ended up being arrested after sitting around in his bathtub.  Sounds like she’s crazy, right?  Well….maybe we’ve all been there at some point.  And if we didn’t send 65,000 texts, maybe…just maybe we did think about someone we “loved” around 64,000 times or so?  I will confess to you that I have.  I admit it. #Boom, I said it.  I could have easily have been that woman….in my mind. I feel you judging me.  Well, let me …

Leadership Transformation

Today I Showed Up As a Leader…..When I Took My Car to the Dealership

I had been having an ongoing issue with my car and I took it into the dealership multiple times for the same issue.  I paid for a diagnostic test, where they found nothing wrong.  So I brought it in again, and they told me I needed a new battery – ok – bye-bye $500 bucks for battery and labor.  Guess what?  I still had the same issue. Agrrrrrh!!!!!!!  Women & Cars – can be so frustrating!!!!!  This is not my “thing” at all, so I am dependent on trusting someone else.  The “Wonder Woman” in me despises asking for help …